Freedom Union

What is the Freedom Union?

FU 2/22/22 is a co-operative for living humans, not corporations.

We will not be oppressed in "digital chains" (by the metaverse) or a technocracy of robots, QR-codes, social credits, cell phones and "smart home" devices. We do not prevent the use of any of these, but we'll not be mandated/required to use any of it either. learn more


What is the Freedom Union?

It's our declaration of independence from digital slavery & oppression.


We were founded on 2/22/22, our world independence day to break away from digital slavery. We will not be oppressed in "digital chains" (or a metaverse) by a technocracy of robots, QR-codes, social credits, cell phones and "smart home" personal devices. We do not prevent the use of any of the above, but we'll not be mandated/required to use any of them to live free with natural rights. We are laidback/chill people, caring, loving, compassionate who you also don't want to mess with… we just want to be left alone! Which is why the irony of "FU" as our initials, should not come as a surprise! :)

We are open to all religions, and a belief in some kind of creator. We are not against atheists/nihilists, but we resent subvertive ideologies such as Marxism, democratic socialism and communism. It's not a full libertarian idealogy to abolish governments (because mafias will always fill that vacuum), or complete anarchy. We are open to all races, colors and cultures. We support traditional family values, pro-creation and an age of majority of 20 years old. Of course we are fine with parents bringing their kids to events, or living under their supervision (that's what a family is), but this is for adults-only.

We highly respect the use of traditional laws that do not infringe on natural rights, but we also see the companies and their lobbyists of big government have gotten us here. We'll back eachother, and do not tolerate bullying. We support open debates, true diplomacy in "an 80/20 voting system" (of laborers/managers) and we support checks and balances to ensure the natural rights of every member. We put people (humans) first… and we help our neighbors.

We care about the environment, we recycle, we plant trees, but we're not environmentalists (who use monetary systems or stakeholder capitalism to control people). Since clouds create 95% of the earth's atmosphere via water vapor, and clouds generally affect temperatures more than anything else, we are generally against the use of carbon taxes on people (and farmers vehicles especially). Petroleum is made of synthetic carbon molecules, and mostly why carbon taxes are levied against our mobility rights in the charter of rights and freedoms. We also believe in the merit (of acquiring assets/equipment through hard work) and to share assets or lands for the common good of the community.


est. 2/22/22 "FU" is a declaration of freedom & independence from digital slavery.

This idea shall never die because its "open source" (using generic words and phrases, not patentable, not trademarked nor incorporated into the "system of digital oppression" in any way). I hope you can learn from, and promote similar ideas as to what's here-in, and share with other freedom lovers.


I'm a big believer of individual rights, or laws of nature that are fundamental, universal, enshrined and inalienable. Belonging to a group, religion or tribe makes us feel safety in numbers as biological human beings. Societies have evolved from nomad fires to villages to cities, and the powers that be always go towards communism, socialism, communalism (which are community/group rules & rights) plus a common trend away from privacy to public displays of shame, virtue signaling for the good of others.

Humans desire to be liked, and fit-in to society. A lot of this has to do with our "id" (or ego) as Sigmund Freud pioneered this concept, these beliefs are being openly displayed as neo-virtuous social profiles with rainbows, fists, flags, gender pronouns as personal symbology of belonging to a group or tribe. This neo-church of atheism/nihilism seeks to destroy traditions or pervert the biological truths we came to know, via the churches of gods for centuries. Moral responsibility lies with the individual, and not the "group think" or collective. I believe that you deserve a private relationship with the creator, and that all of your private information should not be on public display. How often do you randomly call friends any longer? Most of their life is on public display via social networks, and this narcissism of relativism (your own truth) makes you likely to ignore objective truths. If we're not careful this road will destroy the social contract. Sovereignty of the individual is paramount; we need privacy, body of life, liberty, and property.

Merit is earned (or given) and not a self-appointed authority. Someone once said "they worship the seat of authority, and not the person seated itself". I am my own person so please look at me and my individual actions for my merit and don't worship celebrity idols; because they are only human and just really good people, great human beings.. who hit the jackpot in life because of hard work, met with courage and good timing. They all want to be left alone personally, but also wanted and desired by society for a life purpose. If you disagree please just delete this "bookmarked" page. I only wish to bring everyone up, and fight for freedom of choice. I don't wish to bring anyone down. Even if you don't agree, try to be open minded.

🇨🇦 What does it mean to be Canadian? 🇨🇦

  • Shoveling your neighbors laneway
  • Cutting your neighbors lawn/grass
  • Helping struggling people to get on their feet again
  • Beer/wine and dinner with your best friends
  • Playing (or cheering) at hockey games
  • Giving your neighbor a loaf of bread, stick of butter or cup of sugar
  • Making cookies or bringing donuts (or coffee) to your colleagues
  • Cooking/eating your favorite meal on a special anniversary
  • Having a cake & candles for a birthday (even dog/cat cakes for pets)
  • Watching sunsets and having campfires under the stars
  • Snowmobiling, hiking (and hunting) on remote trails
  • Canoeing, portaging and fishing in tranquil lakes
  • Tobogganing with innertubes and GT-snowracers
  • Playing in the sand on the beach
  • Outdoor hot-tubs and snow angels
  • Running/biking/BBQ'ing in the park
  • Friday pizza parties & sushi Saturdays
  • Saturday is a day of rest
  • Sunday family dinners with grace
  • Card games, UNO, Yahtzee! and board games at the cottage
  • Local community events to gather and talk about the future

Ideas & Representation

  • We're a labor union for real people (humans) and not companies.

  • We're building tiny homes in rural (mostly unincorporated) townships.

  • We're fostering land/lease citizenships between laborers and farmers of trees, produce, livestock and more.

  • We car pool with friends, borrow trucks to help with moving and to get you there.

  • We share (power) tools to build & assets (like computers) to accomplish great things.

  • We like to practise/target shooting, safely in highly-controlled & professional environments.

  • We do not support open carry laws in general, however we like the Swiss model of every citizen having a gun at their homes for protection.

  • We'll never surrender firearms acquired by legal means, nor will we let you illegally ban them because the government has a true monopoly on violence, and you must always defend yourself, your family and your home in this biological realm.

  • We will not be corralled by QR-cowboys, and we'll not be taking part in this new digital slavery.

  • We are O.K. with digital identification systems (proof of life) and wish to move away from "death certificates" (which have been re-labelled birth certificates and actually have been collaterized "human capital" in a monetary system of oppression by the monarchy for centuries), however, we stipulate that the originals still be maintained on paper/scroll as to not be cyber-hacked in a single-source to the traditional norms.

  • We are completely against digital identification systems integrating/compiling/using social profiling ("social credit systems") to make decisions or restricting natural rights in automated systems. Social credits are unequal, elitist and blatant segregation. It's like a fake/forced loyalty program.

  • We will allow humans (real people) to decide what produces merit for an individual, and not some centralized digital system.

  • We feel that social credit systems (of aggregated big data) leads to divide (and segregation), job loss and hardships for anyone who's screwed up in their life (repented) and wants to "reset" their life for a second chance. You only get one biological life, so hardships can last decades.. unlike resetting the digital realm and going back to zero. You cannot undo the biological living realm.

  • We think "blockchain" could be OK, but its a question of WHO is governing it and HOW its being used to govern people.

  • We don't want global governance and we will protect national sovereignty.

  • We feel that if you disagree with the local community policy that you are living in.. you deserve the dignity to move on, and be made whole.

Calculated Risks vs. Absolute Safety

Life is a risk. If you wish to live in absolute safety (communism), you'll be in a prison of your mind, or confined to an "open air prison" and never free. We're breaking away of the current system of economic (wage) slavery, and the emergence of digital slavery. If you live in fear/anxiety, you'll never be free. If you cannot take risks, you cannot learn or live in freedom.


It's not a conspiracy (theory) that "the powers that be" want to control humans, and create a "brave new world" of transhumanism, where humans merge with machines and live forever. Nobody knows when this is supposed to happen, but there are a lot of powerful people attempting to merge the digital universe with the biological realm. We are declaring our biological sovereignty. We are humans, with natural rights.

Biological vs. Digital

It's also been coined the physicals vs. the digitals.

We're in a collision course for the past 20 years (2 decades) of a digital universe that is trying to find its way into human lives.

Humans are biological. The digital world is forcing itself upon society, and likely cannot be stopped. We're not luddites, we don't want to destroy the digital world. We're not progressives either and you likely won't find us hanging out in your metaverse.

In the digital universe (or metaverse as its being labeled) you can choose an avatar of the opposite sex, you can dress up with rainbows, even loot/burn/destroy structures or shoot people like a video game. You get as many lives as you want, you can wear dresses in your closet and your close friends may not find out. This is an escape, period. It's not real biological life. You can be 72 genders in the digital world, but you cannot deny that in real life there are 2 genders; male and female. You only get one life in the real biological universe, and that's precious. Do not mess with traditions, and natural rights. Stop trying to jam this digital universe down on society and allow people to opt-in to the digital services that will make their lives easier. It doesn't all have to be digital, there is still paper/paperback books, birds chirping, waterfalls, mountains and nature out there to be explored.

It's the digital colliding with the real world and the massive confusion, because many people are acting like zombies, staring into their new gods of technocracy (their smartphones) while bumping into people, wearing masks to hide their shameful and screwed-up identities. We are done playing "digital make belief" in the real world. We have declared our freedom from this new digital slavery trying to pervert the biological reality of nature and natural rights. We are O.K. if people choose this as their existence, but we're done being pushed around by false beliefs and this idolatry (worship of fake idols) of celebrity culture, lack of merit, affirmative action, social justice, diversity training, open racism, divide & segregation. We understand that the digital world is trying to find its way into the real world, or takeover in a technocracy and upload our brains with transhumanism. We're having our traditional beliefs destroyed by the legacy media, control us in the metaverse with digital devices and robots on the street. We're done. This is our real world, and we're taking it back. We're going to defend our natural rights, get along like the pagans used to… and not obey your ridiculous mandates, edicts and dictates.

It should never be possible to turn off someone's biological life, just as easy as it is to hit the "block button" in the digital realm.

You can block out dissent easily in the digital world via "fact checkers", saying the audio/video is not working. You can also be recorded and monitored remotely, just as security cameras do in real life. The important thing to remember is that if problems are discarded in the digital life, they don't simply disappear in the real world. There's been a conscious ignorance towards humanity for too damn long, and it's gotta stop!

Freedom Union ("FU") 😁 © 2022